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A tarot card is a playing card used in tarot readings and divination. The cards are typically illustrated with symbolic images that can be interpreted to give insight into a person's life, past, present, or future. There are 78 cards in a traditional tarot deck, which are divided into two main groups.
The Wheel of Fortune is the tenth card of the Major Arcana in the Rider-Waite tarot deck. It is a card of change, fortune, and destiny. The card depicts a wheel that is constantly turning, with four creatures at the corners representing the four fixed zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The wheel is also inscribed with the Hebrew letters YHVH, which represent the name of God.
The Wheel of Fortune is a reminder that life is constantly changing and that we cannot control everything that happens to us. However, we can learn to ride the wheel of fortune, to embrace change, and to use it to our advantage.
Upright meaning The upright Wheel of Fortune is a card of good luck and fortune. It suggests that you are in a period of growth and expansion and that opportunities are coming your way. This is a time to be open to new possibilities and to take risks.
The upright Wheel of Fortune can also represent a change in your circumstances, such as a new job, a new relationship, or a move to a new city. This change may be unexpected, but it will ultimately be for your best.
Reversed meaning The reversed Wheel of Fortune is a card of bad luck and misfortune. It suggests that you are in a period of stagnation and decline, and that you may be feeling blocked or frustrated. This is a time to be patient and to accept that things may not go your way.
The reversed Wheel of Fortune can also represent a setback or loss, such as a job loss, a breakup, or a financial problem. This setback may be difficult to deal with, but it will ultimately be a learning experience.
Overall The Wheel of Fortune is a reminder that life is a cycle of ups and downs. We will all experience both good luck and bad luck at some point in our lives. The important thing is to learn to ride the wheel of fortune, to embrace change, and to use it to our advantage.